Publikationsliste for Karin Becktor

Kjær I, Becktor KB, Nolting D, Fischer Hansen B.
The association between prenatal sella turcica morphology and notochordal remnants in the dorsum sellae.
Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 1997;17:105-111.
Kjær I, Becktor KB.
23 år og stadig i tandskifte.
Tandlægernes Nye Tidsskrift 11: 24-25, 2001.
Kjær I, Hansen N, Becktor KB, Birkebæk N, Balslev T.
Craniofacial profile, dentition and hand skeleton in four siblings with possible Seckel Syndrome.
Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal: 2001:38:645-51.
Becktor KB , Kjær I, Koch C.
Tooth eruption, epithelial root sheath and craniofacial profile in hyper-IgE syndrome: report of two cases.
European Journal of Paediatric dentistry 2001;2:185-190.
Becktor KB , Sverrild L, Pallisgaard C, Burhøj J, Kjær I.
Eruption of the central incisor, the intermaxillary suture and maxillary growth in patients with a single median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI).
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2001.59:361-366.
European Journal of orthodontics 2002:24;205-214. Best paper published in 1 European Journal of Orthodontic 2002. European Orthodontic Society Research Grant, 2004.
Becktor KB, Vedel B, Blaabjerg B, O´Toole P, Kjær I.
Segmental odontomaxillær dysplasi – flere patientcasus gav svaret.
Tandlægernes Nye Tidsskrift 4: 18-20, 2002.
Kjær I, Bek A, Becktor KB.
Føtalt alkoholsyndrom og eruptionsafvigelser.
Tandlægernes Nye Tidsskrift 7: 9-11, 2002.
Kjær I, Becktor KB, Poulsen L, Harbo J, Svanholt P, Andersen I.
Eruption eller ej – hvor længe skal vi vente?
Tandlægernes Nye Tidsskrift 4: 24-27, 2003.
Kjær I, Torkashvad H, Becktor KB.
Behandling af standset eruption-hvornår er det muligt ?
Tandlægernes Nye Tidsskrift 7: 14-16, 2003
Niklason A, Kjær I, Andreasen JO, Becktor KB.
Continued eruption of autotransplanted premolars.
In manuscript.