
Root resection

Periapical inflammation is an acute or chronic inflammation lesion around the apex of a tooth root, which is caused by bacterial invasion of the pulp of the tooth. The condition is usually treated with a conventional root canal filling by a general dentist. But in some cases, this treatment is not sufficient, and the inflammation persists. This inflammation can be asymptomatic. However, it can increase in size and affect more of the jawbone, and in addition the condition can become acute and cause severe swelling and pain. .

Root resection is performed in local anesthesia. If desired, we can prescribe a sedative tablet.

The surgical procedure

The surgical procedure usually doesn’t last longer than 15-30 minutes. Some additional time is allotted as we need to await the effect of the anesthesia as well as to prepare the procedure and give you postsurgical information.

The inflamed part of the root and the infection in the bone are removed, and the root apices are sealed with cement. Postoperative pain, soreness, and swelling is usually light to moderate.

Find more information about the general surgery procedure here.

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